Shield doors typically don’t require much upkeep, but you should be aware of some basic maintenance and troubleshooting tips. This article will serve as a guide to keeping your doors looking good and operating like new. If you encounter an issue that can’t be resolved with the information in this blog, see the Shield Maintenance Catalog or our Troubleshooting Guide, both of which are linked at the end of this article.
- We recommend cleaning metal hardware (handles, defenders, hinges and covers) as well as wood skins with a damp cloth. Avoid using chemical cleaners, which can cause damage. Abrasive cleaning tools like Brillo pads and steel wool should not be used.
- Moving parts such as keys, hinges, cylinders, defenders, door closers, and bolts should be kept clean to ensure proper functioning. Debris buildup is one of the most common causes of malfunction and you should regularly inspect the door for dirt accumulation.
- Keeping parts clean also includes avoiding unnecessary contact with liquids. If your key or other component gets wet, dry it thoroughly before using it again.
Lubrication and Adjustments
Some problems might arise from daily use, but these are easy to resolve. For example:
- Hinges and locking bolts can be lubricated if not operating smoothly.
- Loose handles can be tightened by adjusting the setscrew.
- Sagging doors can be raised using the adjustable hinges in a few simple steps (pictured below).
- Use a 3mm Allen wrench to remove the set screw on the side of the hinge.
- Use a 6mm Allen wrench to extend the hinge pin using the hole on the bottom of the hinge.
Adjustable Hinge - Return the set screw to its original position.
- Repeat this process for ALL hinges.
Lock Care
Lock cylinders and cylinder defenders must be kept clean at all times. This means when the environment around the door becomes dusty or dirty (for example during construction), the cylinder and defender should be sealed with tape. Other than that, locks and associated parts are pretty low maintenance. The one exception, which is not really part of the lock itself, is that the transfer hinge should be examined once per year for any damage to the wiring. If you are experiencing programming issues with an X1R or X1R Smart, please consult our programming guides.
Useful Documents
Shield Maintenance Catalog